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Be My Buddy Social Group Program at Kidsogenius

Building Bridges, Fostering Connections

In the heart of Kidsogenius lies the belief that every child deserves the opportunity to connect, communicate, and thrive in a social environment. Our "Be My Buddy" Social Group is meticulously crafted by our founder to provide children with a safe and nurturing space where they can develop essential social skills, make friends, and experience the joy of being part of a community.

"Be My Buddy" Social Group Program is more than just a gathering; it's a transformative experience that equips children with the skills they need to navigate the world with confidence and grace.

Join us, and let's create a world where every child feels connected, understood, and valued.

Why Join Our Be My Buddy Social Group?

Structured Social Interaction

Under the guidance of our experienced professionals, children engage in structured activities that promote positive social interactions, teamwork, and mutual respect.

Skill Development

Beyond just play, our sessions are designed to teach vital social skills such as turn-taking, active listening, expressing emotions, and conflict resolution.

Peer Connections

Children get the chance to interact with peers, fostering friendships and understanding the value of collaboration and camaraderie.

Boosted Confidence

As children navigate social scenarios and experience successes, their self-esteem and confidence in social settings soar.

Real-world Application

The skills learned in our Social Group are transferable, helping children navigate school, family gatherings, and other social environments with ease.

Program Levels and Goals:

The "Be My Buddy" program comprises two levels: Junior and Advance. Each level is designed with specific goals in mind to cater to the varying needs and abilities of the children.


Junior Level Goals:

  • Foundational Social Skills:
    Introduce children to basic social concepts such as sharing, taking turns, and active listening while developing an understanding of personal space and boundaries.
  • Emotional Recognition and Expression:
    Teach children to recognize and label their own emotions and those of others, introducing appropriate ways to express feelings.
  • Group Participation:
    Encourage active participation in group activities and games, fostering skills like waiting patiently and cooperating with peers.
  • Beginning Conflict Resolution: 
    Equip children with simple strategies to resolve minor disagreements.
  • Introduction to Friendship:
    Explore the concept of friendship and encourage the formation of positive peer relationships.


Advance Level Goals

  • Advanced Social Interaction:
    Deepen understanding of complex social cues and enhance skills in group dynamics, such as leadership and collaboration.
  • Emotional Regulation:
    Equip children with strategies to manage strong emotions and foster empathy.
  • Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution:
    Develop advanced techniques for resolving conflicts, such as negotiation and perspective-taking.
  • Building and Maintaining Friendships:
    Dive deeper into the intricacies of friendship, exploring topics like trust and mutual respect.
  • Preparation for Broader Social Environments:
    Equip children with the skills they need to navigate diverse social settings, fostering independence and confidence.


How is the session conducted?

Duration: 90 minutes

Activity Purpose
Welcome Song or Ice Breaker Game Set a positive tone for the session and help children feel comfortable. This initial activity encourages children to greet and acknowledge each other, laying the foundation for social bonds and fostering a sense of belonging and unity within the group.
Introduction to Social Rules
Activity Purpose
Discussion and Demonstration Introduce key social rules for the day. By discussing and understanding these rules collectively, group members develop a shared set of guidelines, promoting mutual respect and understanding. This shared knowledge further strengthens the bond among members as they navigate social interactions together.
Social Story Presentation
Activity Purpose
Watching a Short Presentation Present a social story based on different social themes. Watching and discussing these stories together allows group members to share their perspectives, feelings, and experiences. This collective learning experience fosters empathy and deepens the social bond as members appreciate the viewpoints of their peers.
Fun Social Games
Activity Purpose
Interactive Group Games Put the learned social rules and values into practice. Engaging in group games requires collaboration, teamwork, and communication. As children work together to achieve common goals or solve problems, they naturally form stronger social bonds. The interactive nature of these games ensures that members actively engage with each other, further solidifying their connections.
Activity Purpose
Recap and Farewell Summarize the key takeaways from the session and acknowledge the children's efforts. This closing segment allows group members to reflect on their shared experiences, reinforcing the bonds formed during the session. It also sets a positive tone for their departure, leaving them with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.